We are thrilled that you have found your way to Untangling10to20! Here are answers to questions you may have.
Who should I contact regarding billing and renewal questions?
You can email our team who will gladly help with your payment questions at [email protected].
Can I gift an Untangling 10to20 membership to someone else?
Yes! You can purchase Untangling 10to20 for someone else. The option to purchase as a gift and send directly to someone else’s email is available in checkout. Simply go to the membership page, select a yearly or 6-month subscription, and click the box that says, “Is this a gift?” You will be prompted to add the recipient’s email address and a short message.
How can I cancel my membership?
Click on the red dropdown menu located under the person icon at the top right of every page, select “your subscription,” and then click “cancel.” If you have any other questions, feel free to email [email protected].
How can access Untangling 10to20 content and free content on Dr. Damour’s website?
Once you sign in to Untangling 10to20 using the member icon at the top right of each page, you will automatically have access to the member portal which features Untangling 10to20 content. In order to access all of Dr. Damour’s materials – both Untangling 10to20 and free content – click the text on your member homepage that reads “click here to view and search the entire library of free and Untangling 10to20 content.“
Will I be hearing from you regularly?
As part of your Untangling 10to20 membership you will receive Dr. Damour’s weekly newsletter which announces new Untangling 10to20 content and also features videos and articles from the archives.
You can unsubscribe from the newsletter at any time without affecting your membership.
I have a question that is not listed here.
No problem. The best way to get in touch with the team is by contacting [email protected] and we will do our best to answer your questions or help guide you through the great content now at your fingertips.