21403 Chagrin Boulevard, Suite 222
Beachwood, OH 44122
For media inquiries related to The Emotional Lives of Teeangers, Untangled or Under Pressure, please contact Sarah Breivogel at [email protected].
Have a question for the Ask Lisa Podcast? Send it to [email protected].
For partnership opportunities related to the Ask Lisa podcast, please contact Voicing Change Media at [email protected].
For questions regarding Untangled Media Group, the Untangling 10to20 membership platform, and partnership opportunities contact [email protected].
For all other inquiries, please contact [email protected]. Though it is not possible to respond to every email we receive, please know that we welcome and read each message.
Dr. Damour is not accepting new clients, and it is not possible for her to respond to requests for advice via email. Please contact your primary care provider for a referral to a clinician in your area if you are in need of further assistance.